10-04-2021, 01:00 PM
La Microsoft ha fissato la data di rilascio Ufficiale di Windows 11 che sará il 5 Ottobre 2021, vedremo poi di prendere informazioni, per capire e sapere come scaricarlo, quindi un Windows 11 che ha superato tutte le tappe, in maniera e forma molto rapida, speriamo che non deluda ed invece mantenga le aspettative e premesse, cosà come sono state buone fin dall'inizio
Microsoft has set the official release date of Windows 11 which will be October 5, 2021, we will then try to get information, to understand and know how to download it, therefore a Windows 11 that has passed all the stages, in a very rapid way, we hope it does not disappoint and instead maintains the expectations and premises, as they have been good from the beginning
Microsoft has set the official release date of Windows 11 which will be October 5, 2021, we will then try to get information, to understand and know how to download it, therefore a Windows 11 that has passed all the stages, in a very rapid way, we hope it does not disappoint and instead maintains the expectations and premises, as they have been good from the beginning